What can be done about the pain during a root canal treatment? | Pain during a root canal treatment

What can be done about the pain during a root canal treatment? To prevent pain during root canal treatment, the dentist will give an injection with a drug (anesthetic) that suppresses the pain. The anaesthetic takes between five and ten minutes to take effect. In some cases, however, the existing inflammation is so severe that … What can be done about the pain during a root canal treatment? | Pain during a root canal treatment

Freedom from pain after root canal treatment | Pain during a root canal treatment

Freedom from pain after root canal treatment However, most patients are absolutely painless after this first treatment session of a root canal treatment and only notice a bitter taste in the mouth, which is caused by the medication inside the tooth. Once the root of the tooth is sterile, it is filled with so-called guttapercha … Freedom from pain after root canal treatment | Pain during a root canal treatment

Root canal treatment for gangrene | Pain during a root canal treatment

Root canal treatment for gangrene If the pulp is not only inflamed, but has already disintegrated due to the influence of bacteria, gangrene has developed. The treatment of gangrene is much more complex and lengthy than that of pulpitis. When the pulp chamber is opened, foul-smelling gases escape, but the patient feels immediate relief because … Root canal treatment for gangrene | Pain during a root canal treatment