What to do for aching limbs | Limb Pain

What to do for aching limbs

Since aching limbs are basically only a symptom of an illness or other cause, the cause of the complaints should first be found. If the complaints occur in the context of a cold, the pain can first be treated with painkillers itself. However, other methods and remedies can also be used, which can provide relief if necessary.

Heat in the form of calf wraps or warm pillows can improve the symptoms. Massages can also provide some relief for a short time. If there is no improvement after a few days, a doctor should be consulted for clarification. This also applies if the cause of the pain in the limbs is unknown. In order to rule out serious diseases, a visit to the treating doctor is strongly recommended in these cases.

Home remedies

There are some home remedies that may provide relief for aching limbs. It is important to note that home remedies cannot treat the cause of aching limbs, but only the symptom of the pain. Popular home remedies used for aching limbs are calf compresses that can be wrapped around the legs or arms.

A hot-water bottle (caution: not too hot) can also be used for a certain period of time for the pain in the limbs. Some people can also be helped by a warm bath to improve their symptoms. Chicken broth can also improve the aching limbs in some cases by the fluid intake and the electrolytes it contains.


In some cases, pain in the limbs can radiate into the back.Often the lumbar spine, as well as the transition from the spine to the hip is affected by limb pain. The neck area is also often affected by pain when there is pain in the limbs. Especially in the case of limb pain, which occurs in the context of an infectious disease, the back area is also affected by the pain, in addition to legs and arms.

Massage and warmth can provide relief in this area. Of course, painkillers can also provide a temporary reduction of symptoms in the case of back pain in limbs.