Sweating in the bottom fold | Sweating at the bottom

Sweating in the bottom fold

Moderate sweating in the bottom crease is completely normal during sports activities and warm temperatures. Sweating in the buttock fold is particularly pronounced in overweight individuals. In skin folds there is friction anyway, and nothing can be done about it.

This favors sweating. Being overweight increases friction in skin folds, including the buttock fold, and thus promotes increased sweating.Therefore, a weight reduction is recommended in case of overweight in order to improve the heavy sweating in the buttock fold. Apart from this, there are also other causes of increased sweating in the buttock fold.

These include a number of internal diseases that also cause sweating in other parts of the body. The bottom fold is affected by increased sweating, especially in people with strong body hair in this region. Hair removal in this area can help to effectively reduce the formation of sweat and odors. If you sweat a lot, some baby powder can also help to reduce friction and sweating in the buttock fold.

Sweating on back and bottom

Severe sweating that occurs in more than one region of the body, for example the back and bottom, is called generalized hyperhidrosis. It is not uncommon for the lower back and buttocks to be affected by heavy sweating. A frequent, but not obligatory, cause is overweight.

Heavy body hair in these regions can also lead to increased sweating. Like hyperhidrosis in other parts of the body, hyperhidrosis of the back and bottom can be an expression of an underlying disease. Sweating, especially at night, can be an indication of a rheumatic disease or tuberculosis.

Cancer diseases are also associated with night sweats. However, it must be emphasized that night sweat is an unspecific symptom. That means that many causes can be behind it, so that primarily first once not to a malicious cause must be thought.

Sweating at the bottom while sitting

People who sweat a lot often find it particularly unpleasant to sit on upholstered chairs in public. Sweat stains on clothing or upholstered seats are not uncommon and many people find them very embarrassing. Sitting increases the friction and heat on the skin, which tends to make you sweat more than when standing.

Particularly in warm outside temperatures or in stressful meetings, people sweat particularly heavily when sitting. There are a few tricks and tips that can help prevent unpleasant sweat spots. People who sweat a lot can prevent sweat stains while sitting by wearing functional underwear.

This absorbs the sweat well and prevents sweat stains on clothing or the seat. Especially during upcoming meetings, restaurant visits and other public events, unpleasant incidents can be avoided. Furthermore, light fabrics, such as cotton or linen, should be preferred over synthetic fibers. By the way, sweat stains are less dominant on light fabrics than on dark fabrics.