Treat Wrinkles

More and more people wish to have young and firm skin even in old age. At the same time, wrinkles are quite natural and are part of the aging process. Therefore, think carefully about whether you really want to have your wrinkles treated – every procedure is also associated with risks.

Methods for wrinkle treatment

If you still want to do something about your wrinkles, there are various methods available to you. In individual cases, you should always discuss with the attending physician which method is best for you. Below, we present four different treatment options:

  • Treat wrinkles with Botox
  • Inject wrinkles with hyaluronic acid
  • Laser wrinkles
  • Facelift

Treat wrinkles with Botox

Botox (botulinum toxin) is primarily used to treat mimic wrinkles as well as crow’s feet. The bacterial toxin is injected directly into the muscle and causes it to relax. Thus, wrinkles caused by muscle pull are smoothed. The effect of the nerve toxin takes effect after two to twelve days. However, since Botox is broken down by the body over time, the effect only lasts for a short time. After three to nine months, the next treatment usually has to be performed, which creates a certain dependency.

Side effects of Botox

If too high a dose of Botox is injected, facial expression restrictions may occur, as well as paralysis symptoms in the face. This may also affect adjacent muscles. In addition, headaches and flu-like symptoms may occur after treatment. These side effects usually subside on their own over time. Since Botox treatment is a purely cosmetic procedure, the costs are not covered by health insurance. As a rule, the treatment costs between 200 and 600 euros.

Injecting wrinkles with hyaluronic acid

Deeper wrinkles are usually not treated with Botox, but injected with a filler such as hyaluronic acid. Hyaluronic acid is a natural component of the skin that influences its elasticity. However, as we age, the body produces less and less hyaluronic acid. The treatment replenishes the natural hyaluronic acid stores and the skin is able to store more water again. As a result, deep wrinkles are lifted towards the level of the skin. Treatment with hyaluronic acid is particularly suitable for the neck and décolleté, as well as for the cheeks and eyes.

Side effects of hyaluronic acid

The treatment may cause swelling and redness, however, these side effects usually disappear after one or two days. In addition, an accumulation of hyaluronic acid can cause small lumps and nodules to form, some of which are not only palpable but also visible. In most cases, the lumps dissolve again on their own. In some cases, however, the hyaluronic acid may be encapsulated. In this case, medical treatment is necessary. Similar to Botox, wrinkle injections with hyaluronic acid must be treated again after a few months. The cost of the treatment is 300 euros upwards.

Laser wrinkles

The goal of laser treatment is usually a general rejuvenation of the skin. The treatment removes the upper skin structures. As a result, wrinkles and age spots disappear and the skin looks younger and firmer again. After laser treatment, it takes about a week for the redness on the face to subside. In some cases, however, the redness can last much longer. Three months before and after the treatment, you should avoid sun and solarium as much as possible to avoid pigment disorders. In some cases, despite abstaining from sun and solarium, the treated area may darken. If this side effect does not disappear by itself, special creams can help. Other possible side effects include skin scabbing, scarring, and inflammation of the skin.


A facelift is a surgical procedure that removes excess fat and skin, transplants sagging fat deposits to their original position, and tightens subcutaneous tissue. The risks of a lift include circulatory and sensory disturbances and a feeling of tightness after the procedure.If facial nerves are injured during the operation, this can lead to disorders of the facial muscles. In addition, with a lift there is a risk that the face loses its facial expressions and takes on a rigid, artificial look. Like any other surgical procedure, a lift leaves scars. However, these are usually well hidden behind the hairline.