Typical problems of puberty | The puberty

Typical problems of puberty

Most problems in puberty are found in the interpersonal sphere. The young people try to distinguish themselves from their parents’ household by sometimes provocative behavior. In most cases this means that rules are not followed and that the adolescents react very emotionally to criticism.

However, these are normal behaviors during puberty. Some adolescents cross boundaries which can be harmful to their health. An irresponsible use of alcohol and the consumption of illegal drugs is part of everyday life for some young people.

Parents often have no control here, as their peers replace them as role models. Another problem area in puberty is sexual education. Often young people have already had experiences with sexuality before their parents or the school enlighten them on this topic.

To prevent unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases, it is important to make it clear to the son or daughter early on that you are available for discussions. Many parents lose the familiar connection to their child during puberty and the son or daughter seeks other confidants. In most cases the parent-child relationship calms down with the end of puberty.