What are the side effects of cortisone treatment for neurodermatitis? | Cortisone for neurodermatitis

What are the side effects of cortisone treatment for neurodermatitis?

There is much scepticism about the use of cortisone preparations, as numerous side effects are known. However, cortisone is a hormone produced by the body in the adrenal cortex. It controls many metabolic processes and increases the body’s willingness to perform in stressful situations.

In order for side effects to occur with local application, long-term use is necessary. These side effects include skin atrophy and teleangiectasia. A skin atrophy describes a thinning of the skin.

The skin can tear more easily and the development of open wounds is promoted. This in turn increases the risk of infection. The visible dilation of vessels on the skin surface is called teleangieectasia.

In order to prevent the development of these side effects, the cortisone should be dosed correctly and not be used for too long. The treatment of cortisone is only suitable for acute therapy. In the case of pronounced findings, local application cannot provide relief.

In this case, cortisone is administered orally and acts throughout the body. This leads to further side effects, such as osteoporosis, increased susceptibility to infections due to immunosuppression, increased blood pressure and depression. In exceptional cases it can even lead to Cushing’s syndrome. In addition to the side effects described, there is a loss of glucose tolerance and a shift in body fat (so-called trunk fat addiction).

Can neurodermatitis also get worse with cortisone?

Cortisone leads to an inhibition of the body’s own inflammatory reaction. This improves the symptoms and shortens the duration of an acute attack. Consequently, cortisone should not lead to a deterioration.

However, some patients are allergic to the additives contained in cortisone creams. This can lead to a worsening of the clinical picture. In this case you should consult your treating physician.

The doctor should clarify the situation and possibly prescribe another cream or take other therapeutic measures. Can neurodermatitis be cured?