What is the quickest way to get rid of a black eye?


The popularly used term “blue eye” refers to a hematoma, i.e. a bruise that has formed around the eye. The most common cause of this injury is a blow or a fall. If the blue coloring around the eye is not accompanied by serious, further injuries such as fractures in this area, the hematoma is harmless and healing can be accelerated with some aids.

Immediate treatment

The most important action to take once you have bumped your eye and notice that it turns blue is to cool the affected area. The best way to do this is to use a cool pack or ice cubes and cool it well for about 30 minutes. It is important to note that you should never place the ice cubes directly on the skin, as frostbite can quickly occur on the skin.

Therefore, always wrap them in a clean tea towel and only then apply them to the affected area. If you do not have a cool pack available, you can also use a pea pack from the freezer, for example. This cools and adapts well to the shape of your eyes.

After 30 minutes you should stop cooling for about 1 hour and take a break, as too long cooling phases can cause damage. This procedure should be repeated throughout the day. Slight pressure on the areas around the eye can help to minimize the amount of blood and lymphatic fluid, thus keeping the extent of the blue eye as small as possible. Be careful not to press directly on the eye.


Cooling is the most important step in helping the blue eye to heal. This can be used to try to relieve the pain and prevent the eye from swelling further. The blood vessels contract and no more blood enters the tissues than has already passed through the injury to the eye. It is recommended to cool the eye for 20-30 minutes at regular intervals and then take a 40-minute break.