What to do if I have pain in my upper back? | Back pain in the upper back

What to do if I have pain in my upper back?

In addition to muscle-building exercises, it is also very important to observe certain everyday behaviours during the day. For example, back-friendly shoes should be worn, not high-heeled ones. In addition, regular breaks should be observed, especially when working at the desk.

It is not necessary to leave the workplace. Every 20 minutes the accustomed sitting position should be changed and the user should bend forward, backward and sideways for a short time. If you don’t want to do this, you can also lie back for a short time, tense the muscles of the back once very firmly and then relax.

Such exercises should be integrated into work several times a day. In addition, special attention should be paid to the way you sit. Kneeling chairs are said to be particularly back-friendly.

Gymnastic balls can also be used instead of these chairs. After work, a balancing sport should be performed. Swimming or biking is a good option, whereby a suitable distance between the handlebars and the saddle should be observed when riding a bicycle.

Finally, at least once an orthopedic examination should be carried out to determine whether a malposition of the spine is present. If necessary, an orthopedic shoe inlay can prevent recurrent back pain. Most back problems occur at regular intervals and are known to the patient.

Since muscular problems are usually the cause of back pain, there are numerous exercises that can be used both as a preventive and a treatment measure.If muscular problems are to blame for the recurring pain in the spinal column, it is usually because the muscles in the spinal column are either too weak, i.e. they do not manage to keep the spinal column upright and in motion to the extent and in the stability, or the muscles tense up and there are hardenings on the sides of the spinal column. Cramps can also be the result of muscle weakness. In order to strengthen and at the same time relax the muscles, it is very important to do the existing exercises regularly and to warm up the muscles before the exercises.

A possible back exercise to train the back muscles is running on the toes. Here you stretch as far as you can and try to reach the blankets with your fingertips. This walk can be springy and should be done for a few minutes.

Then bending and stretching exercises both forward (fingertips on the floor) and backward (bridge exercise) are very important to train the back muscles. Lateral trunk bending (the left hand moves down the left leg) will also train the muscles in the area of the spine. Another exercise can be performed with a large gymnastics ball. Here the patient lies with his back on it, his legs are firmly on the floor and his arms are crossed. By trying to keep the balance on the moving ball, the corresponding back muscles are inevitably trained.