
List of all sites about swimming

All the topics we have already published on swimming are listed below.

  • Swimming physics
  • Dolphin Swimming
  • Crawl Swimming
  • Backstroke
  • Breaststroke
  • Wends

After hiking, swimming is the second favorite leisure activity of Germans. Swimming is easy on the joints.

Since you only have to carry a tenth of your body weight in the water, swimming is used especially for back and knee pain. Swimming is also an ideal way for people who are overweight to engage in endurance sports. Swimming trains all muscles and makes the cardiovascular system more economical.

Although breaststroke is one of the most difficult types of swimming to learn, it is most often used in domestic swimming pools. In order to make the most of the positive effects of swimming, one should make sure to use all swimming styles. Below you will find the techniques of each swimming style listed. As in all other sports, beginners will notice an increase in performance or muscle build-up after just a few weeks of training.

Water temperature and swimming

The choice of the right temperature in the pools is of particular importance for the training in question, as movement in water can lead to hypothermia or overheating more quickly than running in the air. If the water is cold, such as in a lake or unheated swimming pools, you should leave the water immediately after swimming to prevent hypothermia. Cold water is particularly suitable for long, enduring exercise, as the body raises its temperature and cools the water.

However, when swimming in cold water you should warm up sufficiently beforehand. During sprinting and interval training, you should make sure that the water is at a pleasantly warm temperature, as this causes breaks in the water and the body cools down faster, increasing the risk of muscle injury. The temperature in the competition pool is about 27°C.