Work-life Balance for Parents

Reconciling family and career is not always easy, and there are often many hurdles to overcome in everyday life. It requires comprehensive organization so that both parents and children do not lose the balance in an age characterized by stress. Instead of losing time, it is even more important to gain it, because this increases the quality of life at the same time – for the complete family.

Time for family

Chinese wisdom says, “Work doesn’t run away from you when you show your child the rainbow. But the rainbow won’t wait until you’re done with work.” But this is exactly where the sticking point hides for many parents: how is it possible to balance work and family while also meeting all the demands of individual family members and themselves? Anyone who has ever experienced this situation knows that it is a real challenge to live work-life balance as a family, but it is also an opportunity! Because, when work and family are in harmony, the risk of suffering from negative stress is greatly reduced. It’s easier for everyone to live with a balanced schedule. So that the goal of work-life balance can succeed, good time management and an organized distribution of tasks can help. Of course, even the best organization does not protect against spontaneous chaos, but with an emergency plan, tricky conflict situations can be solved better and, above all, more calmly.

Time is a precious commodity

For many working parents, the day should quietly have 48 hours instead of 24. Because often parents have the feeling that time is just running away. Career and job, family and children at the same time. Both demand a lot of energy and usually one of the two sides comes up short. If we don’t achieve our daily goal, this can lead to a guilty conscience and frustration. This in turn can directly affect the children and their mood, which complicates the whole issue. This is because negative stress from adults can also transfer to their own children and lead to symptoms similar to those experienced by adults. Headaches, stomach problems and insomnia can be the cause of enormous pressure and stress in children.

Children have a different sense of time

Exactly when there is no time and you have to hurry to still get to kindergarten and to work on time, your children dawdle away? This phenomenon is probably familiar to all parents. Following a natural impulse, children are then often urged to hurry. But this puts children under unnecessary pressure and can cause stress. Even if it’s hard: Simply make a game out of the time crunch and motivate the children to be quick by racing them. Children must first learn to organize themselves gradually, and only when they reach elementary school age can they develop a realistic sense of time.

Time flexibility at work

Many companies have now recognized that it is important to support employees in terms of work-life balance. Various work models such as flexible working hours or even flexible mobility can help achieve work-life balance. Telecommuting or sharing a desk between two half-time employees can accommodate parents’ needs. Some companies also offer a company kindergarten for parents or support them with financial subsidies for daycare or kindergarten facilities. Such family-friendly companies have recognized the added value: After all, once organizational problems such as childcare have been solved, parents are on hand as satisfied employees with high performance potential.

Every family member becomes a manager

To experience and live work-life balance, it is useful to include the entire family in weekly planning. Older children can already take on some tasks independently and then feel proud to have contributed a part to the family. When everyone knows what they personally have to do, there is more time left together. Spending time together doesn’t automatically have to mean always filling it with great attractions like a visit to the zoo or a bike ride. Because even “annoying” everyday tasks such as hanging up laundry or making beds can be done together. It’s fun and saves time too!

Time for yourself

Successful time management also includes dedicated time for each family member. After all, children also need time out.While your children are looking at a book or reading, you can enjoy a cup of tea and a few quiet minutes. Of course, work-life balance also means spending time as a couple. Grandparents or neighbors will certainly be happy to make themselves available as babysitters. In many cities there are special associations and organizations that offer a mediation service around the topic of time management and family, in order to realistically implement the goal of families in work-life balance.