12 Tips against Kitchen Germs

Hygiene must be. This is especially true in the kitchen and when handling food. Sources of danger in terms of hygiene are especially refrigerator, sponge and mop. Below are some important tips for cleanliness in the kitchen. Scientists have studied how high the germ counts are in a kitchen. The result: up to 10,000 bacteria were found per square centimeter in a sink, likewise 10,000 germs on just one square centimeter of countertop, 100,000 on the kitchen floor and 100 million on one square centimeter of kitchen sponge.

Regular disinfection not necessary

Sponge or rag are therefore the germ slingers par excellence in the kitchen. With the sponge, you spread germs everywhere on all work surfaces; when wiping dry, they then also get onto the tea towel. Should the entire kitchen therefore be disinfected regularly? This is not necessary in any case, because disinfectants can cause allergies. Hot water, dishwashing liquid and all-purpose cleaner are perfectly sufficient for cleaning.

Sponge and mop

  • Change tea towel and towel every two to three days.
  • Wash towels and cleaning utensils at 60 degrees, dishcloths are best at 90 degrees. Instead of the washing machine, you can also put them in the dishwasher, but this only makes sense if at least rinsed at 60 degrees.
  • Sponges and dishcloths always dry well.

Kitchen utensils, wooden boards

  • Kitchen utensils and countertops should be easy to clean. Damp cracks are germ bunkers!
  • Knives, etc. after contact with raw meat first clean and then continue to use.
  • When washing dishes by hand, rinse clearly. Only in this way the germs washed into the rinse water.
  • Rinsed wooden boards to dry put vertically, so that the air can circulate better. The reason: when wooden boards are rinsed with warm water, the wood begins to swell, the bacteria in the crevices are trapped. You can then no longer reach it with a dishwashing brush. But this does not mean that you should therefore do without wooden boards, because plastic is also not necessarily better.
  • Sterilize boards can best in the microwave. Replace cutting board with cut notches with new ones, because germs can keep in the cracks for a very long time.
  • For raw and cooked food is best to use different cutting boards.


  • Clean out the refrigerator every ten days and clean thoroughly. Especially on plant remains germs can multiply well.
  • Clean the refrigerator once a month with vinegar water and defrost regularly. Wipe work surfaces with hot detergent water.

Do not forget to wash your hands

Actually self-evident: before you process food, you should always wash your hands. Studies have shown that most germs get to food through the hands. By washing your hands thoroughly, you effectively prevent the transmission and spread of germs.