2. surgical therapy | TherapyTreatment of hip dysplasia

2. surgical therapy

Surgical treatment measures for hip dysplasia are usually only applied after failure of the above mentioned conservative therapies. Interventions in the area of the acetabular roof are often combined with positional corrections of the femoral head at the femoral neck. In this case, derotative varisating femoral neck corrections (DVO) with corrections of the acetabular roof at the pelvis are frequently used hip correction procedures at the pelvis: In childhood, the Salter Osteotomy is often performed due to anatomical conditions (limit 8 years of age), while beyond the age of 8 years until adulthood the Triple Osteotomy is performed. The aim of all surgical measures is to better cover the femoral head so that the load is distributed over a larger part of the femoral head.

  • The Salter – Osteotomy
  • The Chiarie – Osteotomy
  • The Triple – Osteotomy

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