Special features of nail bed inflammation on the big toe | Nail bed inflammation on the toe

Special features of nail bed inflammation on the big toe

In principle, all toes or fingers can be affected by nail bed inflammation. A peculiarity of the big toe is that the nail bed grows there the slowest due to its size. Therefore, on the one hand, germs such as fungi or bacteria can settle there best and on the other hand, it can take much longer for a nail bed inflammation to heal. This is especially true if a part or even the whole nail had to be removed. It can take more than six months until the nail bed has grown back.


Usually the diagnosis of the gaze is sufficient for the superficial forms. Here the information given by the patient is very important, because only the patient himself perceives the pain and can therefore describe it. In the case of deeper nail bed inflammations, an examination of the blood can also be useful. If the inflammation spreads further in the body, this leads to an increase in the blood sedimentation rate (BSG) and the C-reactive protein (CRP value).However, these values are not specific examinations in the case of nail bed inflammation, but rather general inflammation parameters, which are elevated in every generalized inflammation. If the inflammation has already reached the bone or the joint, an x-ray can show an enlargement of the affected joint space.

Which doctor treats the nail bed inflammation of the toe?

In case of a nail bed inflammation on the toe, the family doctor should usually be the first point of contact. He or she can often carry out the treatment and, if necessary, check up on simple findings. If the inflammation is more serious and requires special treatment, the family doctor can refer the patient to a general surgeon or dermatologist.

Therapy of nail bed inflammation of the toe

For the deeper and rarer forms of nail bed inflammation, one should consult a doctor in any case. He can surgically remove the nail bed inflammation (debridement) and if necessary prescribe an antibiotic. For the deeper forms of nail bed inflammation, the intravenous administration of an antibiotic can also be considered to prevent the pathogen from spreading further.

It is important here that antibiotics are naturally only effective if the trigger of the nail bed inflammation is a bacterium. Should it be a fungal infection, fungicidal agents (antimycotics) should be given. However, if it is an infection with the herpes virus, antiviral drugs such as Aciclovir (Aciclobeta®, Zovirax®) should be given.

Depending on the stage and pain, immobilisation of the foot for a certain period of time can be useful and necessary for recovery. Various ointments can help with nail bed inflammation. These can be divided into three groups according to their effect.

On the one hand, there are those with anti-inflammatory effects that contain either painkillers or herbal agents such as arnica. They serve to reduce the symptoms such as pain and swelling and are supposed to promote the healing process. Another effect has the so-called pulling ointments.

These accelerate the maturing process in the case of a purulent nail bed inflammation, so that the pus can drain off more quickly. The third type of ointments that can help with nail bed inflammation on the toe are those with a direct active ingredient against germs. This type of ointment usually has to be prescribed by a doctor and should only be used on doctor’s orders.

  • Pull ointments
  • Betaisodona® Solution

In case of a slight nail bed inflammation, treatment with homeopathic remedies can be attempted. The choice of the preparation depends on the nature of the symptoms. However, in the case of these symptoms, conventional medical treatment with surgical relief may also be indicated.

In general, an inflammation of the nail bed on the toe should not be treated by homeopathy alone if the inflammation does not subside after several days, if a lot of pus forms, if there is severe pain or if the general condition worsens. In such a case a doctor should be consulted immediately.

  • In case of throbbing pain, a hot nail bed and slight redness, globules should be taken with belladonna.
  • Apis mellifica is recommended for rather stabbing pain and a bright red and swollen nail bed.
  • Hepar sulfuris can be taken in case of stabbing pain and beginning suppuration.