What motor skills are required if my baby does not walk? | When does my child start walking?

What motor skills are required if my baby does not walk?

Running is an extremely complex process. It requires proper development and anatomy, the functioning of the nervous system, the processing of sensory impressions and the optimal coordination of all these systems. If one of these components fails, severe motor dysfunction can result.

However, such developmental or functional disorders of the nervous system are very rare. In most cases where babies do not walk even after the age of 18 months, this is related to minor developmental disorders. A consultation with the paediatrician is strongly recommended in this case.

Examples of serious illnesses are infantile cerebral palsy, a disorder in the area of the brain responsible for motor functions, or spina bifida, also known as open spine. There are also certain hereditary diseases that affect the muscles. These can cause a malfunction of the muscle, as is the case with Duchenne muscular dystrophy, or the transmission of nerve impulses to the muscles, which is disturbed in myasthenia gravis.

What can I do to make my child not fall so badly?

Especially when a baby tries to stand up or take its first steps, children often fall down because their muscles are not yet adjusted to this new strain and they cannot keep their balance. Sharp edges or elevations are therefore a source of danger for the child in this phase. The simplest measure that can be taken is to pad sharp edges or hard surfaces, such as a coffee table, with rubber corners.

As soon as the children can take their first steps without help, they live out their new-found mobility with friends and there is a risk that they will fall down the stairs. Falling down can be prevented by attaching stair gratings to the top of the stairs. These solutions may not be visually appealing, but they protect your child from most serious falls.

It is also important that you never leave your baby unattended on hillsides such as the changing table. Babies are particularly vulnerable to such falls during the time when they are learning to turn. A soft play blanket or carpet on the floor is also a good idea, so that the child can practice walking and does not injure itself further if it falls. Ideally, there should be a rubber anti-slip protection under the carpet. In addition, socks with anti-slip protection, so-called ABS socks, which prevent the child from slipping on the floor, are also a good idea.

When should my child start wearing shoes?

It is important that you should not buy your baby’s first shoes until he or she can walk safely and is also outdoors on their feet. At home, however, the toddler should still walk barefoot as much as possible. This is important for learning coordination and balance.

It is also essential for the development of proper sensitivity in the foot. It should also be noted that the shape and size of the feet of small children are still developing strongly. This development should not be hindered by squeezing them into shoes. If you still want to buy shoes for indoors, you should fall back on loose, soft slippers that allow for size growth.