Treatment of breast stitches | Stinging in the chest while breathing

Treatment of breast stitches

Some forms of breath-dependent stinging in the chest do not require treatment and after a certain time they disappear on their own. If a physician determines that a disease requires treatment, conventional measures may be sufficient. Depending on the cause of the pain, physical protection can already provide relief.

For some diseases, however, more intensive therapies are necessary.These range from administering medication to emergency surgery:

  • The therapy of pleuritis includes the therapy of the underlying disease. For example, if the pleuritis was caused by pneumonia, it must be treated with antibiotics. Otherwise, the symptoms are treated with painkillers.
  • In the case of pericardial inflammation, which is often accompanied by myocarditis, physical rest is elementary.

    Often this disease is caused by viruses and is self-limiting, but if a bacterial pathogen is detected, antibiotic treatment must also be administered in this case.

  • If pneumothorax is diagnosed, symptomatic treatment may be sufficient in very mild cases. In the case of larger air accumulations or in the case of a tension pneumothorax, in which a valve mechanism forces more and more air into the thorax, a drainage must be placed in the thorax. A drainage is a tube to which negative pressure is applied.

    The air is then sucked out of the thorax. The lung and pleura can lie against each other and the tear can heal.

  • In pulmonary embolism, the primary goal is to restore blood flow in the displaced pulmonary artery. Various drugs are available to dissolve a clot in hospital.
  • In case of complaints originating from the gastrointestinal tract, a gastroscopy is performed.

    If the mucosal findings are inconspicuous, a therapy with proton pump inhibitors is started, which leads to an increase in the gastric pH value. Acid-related complaints are thus alleviated. If the examination of the gastrointestinal tract reveals further diseases, these must be treated to alleviate the symptoms.

  • Painkillers can be used for irritated nerves. If conservative therapy (e.g. physiotherapy) fails in the case of a herniated disc, surgery may be necessary.
  • A rib injury is treated with painkillers only, provided that no complications occur. If ribs threaten to injure the lung, surgery may be necessary.