Treatment | Diarrhea and stomach pain


The treatment of diarrhea and stomach pain depends on the cause and severity of the disease. If, for example, viruses or bacteria cause the symptoms of the disease, often no specific therapy is necessary. The body already shows good defence mechanisms against the pathogens through the diarrhoea and stomach pain (possibly with fever and vomiting).

It is more important in the phase of illness that affected persons take in a lot of fluids. In addition, a good intake of salt should be ensured so that the electrolytes (blood salts) do not lose their balance. However, if the disease is more severe, fluid, electrolytes and possibly also a sugar solution may have to be supplied via the vein.

Only in a few cases are drugs used specifically against the pathogens. Viral infections can usually only be treated symptomatically anyway. Various antibiotics help against the bacteria, which in turn attack the digestive tract and are therefore not always the best choice.

If, on the other hand, the cause of the diarrhoea and stomach pain is a stomach ulcer, therapy with acid inhibitors (proton pump inhibitors) such as omeprazole or pantoprazole may be useful. If there is already bleeding in the stomach, the ulcer may have to be treated with a so-called clip. This clip can stop the bleeding and is usually inserted during a colonoscopy.

Often a certain bacterium (Helicobacter pylori) plays a role in the development of the gastric ulcer, which can be additionally treated with antibiotics. Home remedies, which can be used to treat diarrhoea and stomach pain, should be aimed above all at ensuring an adequate fluid intake. Thus persons concerned with a stomach intestine infection profit for example from a leckere vegetable or chicken broth.

This contains a lot of liquid and also supplies some of the important electrolytes (blood salts). Soothing tea can also have a similar effect. By drinking a lot of tea, the body gets enough liquid and you can also add honey or a little sugar to the tea.

This provides the body with some energy. Furthermore, a light diet can be a sensible measure. In addition count beside soup and tea also dry bread and salt sticks.

These foods have an uncomplicated structure, so they can be quickly broken down into their individual parts in the intestine and absorbed into the blood before they are washed out of the body again by the diarrhoea. On the other hand, one should refrain from a diet rich in fiber for a while, also fruit sugars as they are contained in fruits and juices should be reduced for a few days. With stomach pain a hot-water bottle can additionally unfold its pain-relieving effect. If fever occurs in addition to the symptoms, affected persons can lie under a warm blanket with the hot-water bottle and thus prevent chills. If the fever rises too high, further home remedies such as calf compresses or curd and cabbage compresses are useful for cooling down.