Preparation | Prostate biopsy


Depending on the procedure, different preparation is necessary. In the case of transrectal punch biopsy, antibiotic prophylaxis is used because the intestine is injured during this procedure and bacteria are washed out. This serves to prevent infection.

In addition, the bowel should be emptied before the procedure and a laxative should be taken. Another preparatory measure for this procedure is local anesthesia of the patient’s anal region. Perineal biopsy is performed only under general anesthesia and its corresponding preparations. The patient has to fast before the operation and, if necessary, may not take some medications, for example anticoagulants, immediately before the procedure.

How painful is a prostate biopsy?

The transrectal punch biopsy is performed under local anesthesia. Only the limited area in which the procedure takes place is anesthetized. While the biopsy is being performed, the patient feels no pain, only a feeling of pressure from the ultrasound probe inserted into the intestine.The tissue is punched out by means of a special device that acts at lightning speed and is hardly noticeable.

The local anesthesia lasts for several hours, during which time the patient feels numbness in the anal region. If the anesthesia wears off, pain may occur, but the procedure is very gentle and is accompanied by little pain. In contrast, the perineal access route is very painful and can only be performed under general anesthesia.

Is anesthesia necessary?

The procedure through the rectal ultrasound probe is less invasive and does not require anesthesia. Local anesthesia is sufficient in this case. If the prostate is reached via the perineal region, this is more complex and very painful for the patient. The perineal prostate biopsy is only performed as an in-patient under general anesthesia.

Is a prostate biopsy possible on an outpatient basis?

The punch biopsy using transrectal ultrasound is usually performed on an outpatient basis, which means that the patient can return home promptly after the procedure. Only in rare cases does an inpatient admission and the method must be performed under general anesthesia.