This is how the diagnosis is made | Pulling in the left breast

This is how the diagnosis is made

When pulling the left breast, it is important to quickly exclude or detect possible serious diseases. Therefore, consult a doctor, especially in case of sudden, severe symptoms! In a medical consultation, the following information will initially provide valuable advice: Subsequently, the physical examination follows.

For this, the undressed upper body of the patient is examined, palpated and tapped. Muscular complaints, for example, can easily be aggravated by vigorous palpation of the affected region. In order to assess the condition of the heart and lungs, the doctor uses the stethoscope.

This makes it possible, for example, to detect cardiac arrhythmia or pneumonia. So-called apparative diagnostics are also used. In most cases, it is therefore inevitable to write an ECG as quickly as possible.

This quick and painless examination can often reveal serious diseases of the heart, such as a heart attack. In addition, blood tests are of great importance in the diagnosis of breast complaints. Various values, such as the so-called “D-dimers” in case of suspected pulmonary embolism, have a high significance.

In order to get to the bottom of the pulling in the left breast completely, further examinations may follow. These include above all imaging procedures (X-ray, heart ultrasound, coronary angiography, MRI, CT, etc.).

  • Beginning (sudden, creeping, triggering factors?


  • History (continuous, in episodes etc. )
  • Reinforcement/improvement (e.g. stronger under stress or inhalation)
  • Accompanying complaints (shortness of breath, nausea, dizziness, etc. )
  • Known pre-existing conditions (e.g. past heart attack)
  • Medication (high blood pressure medication, blood thinners, etc. )