Disorders of Consciousness: Somnolence, Sopor and Coma: Symptoms, Complaints, Signs

The following symptoms and complaints may indicate Somnolence, Sopor and Coma (disorders of consciousness):

Leading symptoms of somnolence

  • Drowsiness, which, however, can be briefly broken by external stimuli
  • Orientation is always possible
  • Simple questions can be answered

Guiding symptoms of the sopor

  • Drowsiness to be broken by very strong external stimuli.
  • Contact not adequately possible
  • “Short-term orientation effort” with external stimuli
  • No spontaneous activity possible

Leading symptoms of coma

  • Deep unconsciousness associated with a lack of any response to external stimuli (unable to awaken).

Four stages of coma can be differentiated:

Stage Description
I Brief, specific defense to pain stimuli, no pupillary dysfunction
II Defensive movements untargeted, mostly positive light reaction
III No defensive movements, vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR) pathological (i.e., stable visual perception is no longer possible with sudden head movement), flexion synergisms (abnormal flexion)
IV Stretching synergisms (abnormal stretching) may occur, otherwise no motor response, pupils fixed to light, brainstem reflexes drop out