10 Tips to Lower Blood Sugar

An elevated blood sugar level is a typical sign of diabetes. Those who suffer from diabetes usually have to take medication to regulate blood sugar levels and/or inject themselves with insulin. But lowering blood sugar levels is often possible in a natural way as well. We give you 10 tips on how to lower your blood glucose level completely without medication. By the way, those who do not have diabetes should also take the 10 tips to heart, because they can prevent diabetes.

Blood sugar and diabetes

The blood glucose level indicates how much glucose is in the blood. Glucose in the blood is an important energy supplier for our body – especially the brain and the red blood cells get their energy from glucose. Blood glucose levels are primarily regulated by the two hormones insulin and glucagon. While insulin lowers blood glucose levels, glucagon drives them up. In addition to glucagon, adrenaline, cortisol and thyroid hormones can also contribute to an increase in blood glucose levels. Insulin lowers blood glucose levels by transporting glucose from the blood into the cells. In the liver and muscle cells in particular, glucose is then either stored or converted into energy. This process lowers the blood glucose level again. In diabetes, however, this mechanism is disturbed. While type 1 diabetics have a lack of insulin, type 2 diabetics produce enough insulin, but the insulin can no longer transport the glucose into the cells (insulin resistance). In both cases, this results in a permanently elevated blood glucose level. In the long term, this can lead to serious damage to nerves and blood vessels, as well as to the eyes and kidneys.

Lowering blood sugar – but how?

As a rule, diabetics are prescribed tablets by their doctor to increase insulin production or positively influence insulin resistance. In many cases, diabetics must also regularly inject themselves with insulin to regulate blood glucose levels. In addition to these methods, however, blood glucose levels can also be lowered by certain foods and behaviors. Despite such natural blood glucose reducers, medication must often still be taken.

10 tips that help not only diabetics

The 10 tips for lowering blood sugar levels are suitable for healthy people, as well as for type 1 and type 2 diabetics. Those who do not have diabetes can use the tips to prevent diabetes. Type 2 diabetics can use the tips to lower their blood sugar naturally and thus increase their well-being. Type 1 diabetics can not compensate for their insulin deficiency through the tips, however, this deficiency is less significant if the blood sugar level does not rise so much.

Tip 1: Avoid stress

When you are stressed, the body produces the stress hormone cortisol. This, along with other hormones such as glucagon, causes blood sugar levels to rise. So the more relaxed you are, the more positive the effect on your blood sugar level. To prevent stress from occurring in the first place, relaxation techniques such as yoga or autogenic training are particularly good. Consciously plan relaxation breaks into your daily routine, during which you can perform your relaxation exercises and thus come to rest in a targeted manner. To avoid stress, it is also important to get enough sleep. Various studies have shown that too little sleep leads to an increase in stress hormones. These then in turn ensure that the blood sugar level rises.

Tip 2: Foods with a low GI

Consume mainly foods with a low glycemic index (GI): the glycemic index indicates how much a carbohydrate-rich food affects blood sugar levels. Glucose, which no longer needs to be converted and can therefore be absorbed directly into the blood, has a glycemic index of 100. A food with a glycemic index of 50 causes only half as much of a rise in blood sugar compared to pure glucose. Foods with a low glycemic index include whole grains, legumes, vegetables, and certain fruits (for example, apples, nectarines, or peaches). White flour products, dried fruit and household sugar, on the other hand, should be avoided.

Tip 3: Reduce your weight

Provided that you suffer from type 2 diabetes and are overweight, you should definitely work on reducing your weight. This is because being overweight promotes the development of insulin resistance in the long run. In addition, being overweight also increases the need for insulin. Conversely, this means that a reduction in weight can lead to a lowering of blood sugar. In many cases, a five percent reduction in body weight within six to twelve months is sufficient to achieve initial success – provided that the weight remains permanently reduced. For overweight diabetics, a monthly weight loss of about one to two kilograms is recommended. This is because weight loss that is greater is usually not permanent.

Tip 4: Refrain from eating too much fat

Fat should not be missing in the daily diet, however, the amount consumed should also not be too high. Recommended is a daily dose of about 80 grams of fat. You should pay particular attention to avoid foods with saturated fatty acids. This is because saturated fatty acids – which are mainly found in animal foods – promote insulin resistance. In contrast, polyunsaturated fatty acids, which have a positive effect on insulin resistance, are recommended. They are found in large quantities in fish and soy products, for example.

Tip 5: Pay attention to what you drink

Not only food, but also certain drinks can drive up blood sugar levels. These are mostly drinks that have a high sugar content. These include, for example, many fruit juices as well as sugary sodas. Mineral water or unsweetened tea, on the other hand, are best suited for diabetics. Tea – especially green tea – has a particularly positive effect on blood sugar levels. Scientific studies have shown that green tea can lower blood sugar. Thus green tea prevents on the one hand a diabetes disease, but can also have a positive effect on the other hand with an already existing disease.