Homeopathy for Swallowing Difficulties

Homeopathy can also relieve swallowing difficulties – provided that one refrains from consuming coffee and chamomile during this time. Depending on the type of difficulty swallowing, different homeopathic remedies can help.

Homeopathy for swallowing difficulties

  • For difficulty swallowing with severe sore throat in the initial stage, Mercurius solubilis (with dosage D 12) and Echinacea (D 1) are suitable homeopathic remedies. In the further course and with stronger complaints help Aconitum (D 12), Belladonna (D 30) or Mercurius cyanatus (D 12).
  • Difficulty swallowing, which is accompanied by a feeling of constriction, as well as sore throat, can be treated with Apis (D12).
  • Lachesis (D 12) should be taken for swallowing difficulties localized on the left side.
  • Causticum D12 and Phosphorus are suitable homeopathic remedies to improve swallowing difficulties when eating, they relieve the feeling of having a sore throat. However, it is important here that both substances should not be taken at the same time, as they have negative interactions.
  • If the swallowing difficulties are localized more in the area of the lower esophagus and in the upper abdomen can be helpful treatment with the substance Yucca filamentosa (D6).
  • For thyroid disorders, the Schüssler salt No. 14 potassium bromatum (D 12) has proven effective. It further helps against inflammation such as pharyngitis, but also gastritis. While taking Kalium bromatum should be taken only a little table salt, as this can reduce the effect of the Schüssler salt.