Do Grapes Make you Fat?

No, this is a nutrition fairy tale. As part of a healthy diet of fruits and vegetables (recommendation: one kilogram daily), grapes also belong seasonally on the menu. Every year, September is the time for grapes, one of the oldest and most widespread types of fruit in the world, which was probably cultivated in Western Asia as early as 7,000 years ago. Unjustly, many condemn the sweet berry as a fattener.

What does a grape actually contain?

Just like the other types of fruit, the grape contains mainly water, essential vitamins such as vitamin C, minerals such as magnesium, fiber, as well as secondary plant compounds such as resveratrol, which prevents arteriosclerosis and is also said to have an anticarcinogenic (cancer-inhibiting) effect.

Grapes compared to chocolate

A 125-gram serving of grapes provides just 89 kilocalories. A bar of chocolate with 20 grams, on the other hand, already strikes with 107 kilocalories to B(a)uche. While after a portion of grapes by the volume and the fiber contained a lasting satiety, the bar of chocolate only makes you want more!

Are diabetics allowed to eat grapes?

Even for diabetics, grapes are not taboo, but they should eat them only in moderation. Because on the one hand, half of the carbohydrates they contain are in the form of fructose, which the body metabolizes independently of insulin and which practically does not cause blood sugar to rise. But on the other hand, grapes nevertheless contain a lot of glucose (dextrose), to which special attention should be paid in diabetes.

Types of grapes

There are wine grapes for wine making and table grapes for consumption. The seeds provide healthy grape seed oil.