This is how you can detect a bowel obstruction yourself | This is how you can detect an intestinal obstruction

This is how you can detect a bowel obstruction yourself

A reliable diagnosis can only be made with the technical aids provided during a visit to the doctor. However, some symptoms may lead to the suspicion of intestinal obstruction: Since there is no specific symptom of intestinal obstruction, a doctor should always be consulted in the case of acute symptoms. If an intestinal obstruction is actually present, it is in any case in need of emergency treatment.

  • Affected persons often have no bowel movement or very thin stools, as only this passes the affected area. – Particularly in the case of a mechanical obstruction, affected persons report strong, cramp-like pain. However, these are not specific to the intestinal obstruction, but can have many other causes.
  • If the food slurry backs up, stomach pain and vomiting also occur. The stomach is often also bloated. These symptoms can also have causes other than the intestinal obstruction. People who have had bowel obstructions or who have a history of certain risk factors, such as a tumour, should pay close attention to these symptoms.