When must the vaccination be refreshed? | Typhus vaccination

When must the vaccination be refreshed?

Vaccination refreshment varies depending on the vaccine used. For the inactivated vaccine, a booster is recommended every 3 years. This is also done as a single injection. However, the booster should only be carried out in case of a continuing indication, i.e. if there is still a sufficient reason for this. With the live vaccination, i.e. the oral vaccination, a booster should be given after one year.

What does the typhoid vaccination cost?

The costs for the typhoid vaccination are usually between 25 and 40 Euros. However, this can vary depending on the place where the vaccination is administered. The typhoid fever vaccination is usually offered by institutes for travel and tropical medicine or by institutes for hygiene at medical university hospitals.

Occasionally, general practitioners of travel medicine also offer typhoid fever vaccination. A frequent combination of the vaccination against typhoid fever and hepatitis A usually costs about 80 Euros. When traveling to a country that is located in a different climate zone or on a different continent, for example, it is always a good idea to find out in advance about any recommended vaccinations.

The institutes for travel and tropical medicine also offer travel medicine consultations, which usually cost around 10 euros. If there is any uncertainty, it is advisable not to cut back on these costs, as the risk of a potential infection may be greater than expected. The typhoid vaccination is one of the recommended vaccinations in Germany.

However, not all travel vaccinations are always covered by every health insurance company. Usually the vaccination has to be paid by yourself first and can be settled with the health insurance company afterwards. The costs of the typhoid vaccination are covered by almost every health insurance company. Occasionally, additional rules may apply, such as that the health insurance company only reimburses 70% of the costs. Only a few health insurance companies, such as the AOK Saxony-Anhalt and the Kaufmännische Krankenkasse, do not cover the costs of the typhoid fever vaccination.