Common Carotid Artery: Structure, Function & Diseases

The common carotid artery is the carotid artery. It serves to supply blood to the head area and is also a measurement center of blood pressure. Calcification of the carotid artery increases the risk of stroke.

What is the common carotid artery?

The common carotid artery is the artery that supplies blood to the neck and head. This anatomical structure is also known as the carotid artery. The carotid artery divides at the carotid bifurcation into the internal carotid artery and the external carotid artery. The latter is also known as the external carotid artery and supplies the upper neck organs, such as the larynx. The internal carotid artery is also known as the internal carotid artery and supplies primarily the brain. Put into a deep sleep, is the translation of carotis. Pressure on the aorta shows comatose fainting as a leading symptom, because the brain can no longer be supplied with blood. On the right side, the carotid artery arises from the so-called truncus brachiocephalicus. On the left side, it arises from the aortic arch.

Anatomy and structure

The carotid artery is one of the powerful vessels in the human body. The sternocleidomastoid muscle is its upper boundary. The lateral border is formed by the trachea. The carotid artery, together with nerves and other vessels, opens into the vagina carotica. This is a sheath of connective tissue located in the neck region. The structures of the vagina carotica are also summarized as a vascular nerve cord. The common carotid artery runs from the thoracic inlet to the head. The jugular groove, a muscular groove in the neck, serves as the course. The carotid sinus is also known as the outlet of the internal carotid artery, which is usually more prominent than the external carotid artery. Above the carotid artery is a vein that carries blood away from the face and head.

Function and tasks

The function of the common carotid artery is to supply blood to the inner and outer parts of the head. Smaller branches branch off from the internal carotid artery, supplying blood to both the forehead and the nose. However, the main supply area of the internal carotid artery remains the anterior part of the brain and the eye. The external carotid, on the other hand, supplies arterial blood to the soft tissues of the neck. The bony skull is also supplied by this section of the carotid artery. Blood transports oxygen. It is a medium that serves respiration. Thus, the supply of oxygen to the head and neck structures is also one of the functions of the artery. If this supply were not ensured, a cerebral infarction would occur. The common carotid artery is also a measuring center. Pressoreceptors are located on the carotid sinus, which control blood pressure and transmit the measurement information to the brain. The brain responds to the blood pressure data by regulating fluid balance. For example, an increase in blood pressure triggers an increase in urine excretion. As soon as the pressoreceptors report rising pressure in the arteries, the excitatory moments of the sympathetic nervous system decrease. The heart rate decreases and the braking effects of the parasympathetic nervous system take effect. If the opposite is the case, it behaves the other way around. In addition to blood pressure, the receptors at the junction of the carotid artery also permanently measure the composition of the blood. This measurement takes place via chemoreceptors and lets the carotid artery monitor the content of oxygen, carbon dioxide and ph. This measurement data is also continuously transmitted to the brain. Depending on the transmitted measurement data, the brain increases or decreases the respiratory rate. Thus, the carotid artery is mainly a center of circulatory regulation.


Arteriosclerotic vasoconstriction is one of the most common diseases of the carotid artery. Usually this disease is due to nicotine consumption, high cholesterol or hypertension. The bifurcation into the internal and external carotid arteries is particularly often affected by this phenomenon. Such deposits in the carotid artery can manifest themselves early in neurological symptoms such as hemiplegia. Such hemiplegia or numbness due to carotid stenosis is usually understood as a harbinger of an impending stroke, because a stenosis of the carotid artery increases the risk of stroke immensely. Surgical correction of the stenosis is essential in such cases.This correction can take place while the patient is conscious with local anesthesia or can be performed under general anesthesia. Usually, a minimal incision on the carotid artery is used to enter the bloodstream. The deposits are removed in this way. If there is a narrowing, then this narrowing can be counteracted with a stretching plastic part. In addition to the above-mentioned phenomena, the carotid artery can also be affected by a carotid dissection. In this case, bleeding into the vessel wall of the carotid artery occurs. A blood clot can form in this way, which in the end again promotes a stroke. Another danger is when the pressoreceptors of the carotid artery are damaged or tumors press on the carotid artery. This causes pressure on the carotissinus, which is located at the level of the bifurcation into the internal and external carotid arteries. This is how the so-called carotid sinus syndrome occurs. The pulse and blood pressure are no longer measurable in this phenomenon. An acute circulatory arrest is triggered. In acute circulatory collapse, loss of consciousness occurs. The pupils dilate sharply and the skin turns bluish or purple.