Dimetinden Maleate Gel


Dimetinden maleate has been commercially available in many countries since 1974 in the form of a gel (Fenistil Gel).

Structure and properties

Dimetindene (C20H24N2, Mr = 292.4 g/mol) is present in drugs as dimetindene maleate, a white crystalline powder that is poorly soluble in water. The name is derived from the two methyl groups on the sting and the central indene ring.


Dimetinden maleate (ATC D04AA13) has antihistamine, antiallergic, antipruritic, and local anesthetic properties. The effects are due to antagonism at histamine H1 receptors. They occur rapidly and reach their maximum after about four hours. The gel base is additionally cooling.


For the treatment of itchy diseases of the skin such as:

  • Insect bites
  • Minor small area burns, mild non-extensive sunburn.
  • Small-surface allergy-related skin diseases.


According to the professional information. The gel is applied thinly and rubbed two to four times a day. Do not apply over large areas.


The gel is contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity and known insect sting allergy. In children under two years of age, it may be used only on medical prescription. The gel should not be applied over large areas or to injured skin. For complete precautions, see the drug label.


Interactions with other drugs are not known.

Adverse effects

The most common possible adverse effects include local skin reactions such as dry skin, a burning sensation, and rarely allergic dermatitis. Such reactions may also be caused by excipients.