Witch Hazel


Preparations from the leaves and bark of witch hazel are commercially available in the form of ointments, creams, as suppositories, as witch hazel water, and in body care products, among others. The medicinal drug is available in pharmacies and drugstores as open goods.

Stem plant

Virgin witch hazel L., of the witch hazel family (Hamamelidaceae), is native to eastern North America (USA and Canada). It is a bushy shrub that reaches a height of up to about 7 meters.

Medicinal drug

The witch hazel leaves (Hamamelidis folium) are mainly used as a medicinal raw material. They consist of the whole or cut dried leaves of L. The pharmacopoeia requires a minimum content of tannins. Furthermore, the witch hazel bark (Hamamelidis cortex) is also used, which is the stem or branch bark of the plant. Various extracts and tinctures are prepared from the medicinal drugs. Hamamelis water (Hamamelidis aqua is a steam distillate to which ethanol is added.


The relevant ingredients include in particular the tannins, which are present as tannins (gallotannins, hamamelitannins) and oligomeric proanthocyanidins. Other ingredients are flavonoids, phenolic carboxylic acids and essential oil. The essential oil is the main component of witch hazel water.


Preparations from the medicinal drugs have astringent (astringent, tanning), anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antipruritic, hemostatic, venous tonic, antibacterial, and antiviral properties. Caution: products containing witch hazel water do not have all of these properties, as the water contains mainly essential oil and no tannins.

Fields of application

Witch hazel ointments are applied, among other things, for skin diseases, eczema, chapped skin, at the wolf, minor burns and sunburn and minor skin injuries. Another area of application is varicose veins. Special hemorrhoid ointments and suppositories are available for the treatment of hemorrhoids. Witch hazel is also used for body care.


According to the package insert.


Witch hazel is contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity. Preparations with witch hazel are applied externally and not ingested. For complete precautions, see the drug label.

Adverse effects

Possible adverse effects include local skin reactions.