Flatulence Causes and Remedies


Flatulence is manifested by an increased accumulation of gases in the intestines (meteorism), which may pass voluntarily or involuntarily (flatulence). They may be accompanied by an uncomfortable feeling, a bloated abdomen, cramps and other digestive symptoms such as constipation, increased bowel activity and diarrhea. Bloating is primarily a psychosocial problem because of the embarrassing sounds and unpleasant odor, but it can also have a disease value.


There are numerous possible causes for the discomfort. Intestinal gases are usually composed of nitrogen, methane, carbon dioxide, and hydrogen and are formed primarily by bacteria from carbohydrates and proteins. Bloating is often caused by foods such as legumes, beans, sausages, onions, cabbage, leeks, fruits and vegetables. Mild indigestion also often causes temporary symptoms. Other causes include:


Simple flatulence can be treated yourself. In chronic complaints or unusual accompanying symptoms, such as fever, blood in the stool or severe diarrhea, the family doctor should be consulted.

Nonpharmacologic treatment

  • Triggers such as foods, medications, carbonated beverages, and sugar substitutes that cause flatulence should be avoided.
  • Use heat pads, such as a hot water bottle.
  • Physical exercise
  • Abdominal massage
  • Treatment of concomitant constipation
  • Take sufficient time for the meal

If possible, the treatment should start with the cause.

Drug treatment

The so-called antiflatulent agents or carminatives are used for treatment. The following is a selection of the most common agents. Defoamers:

  • Simeticon (e.g., Flatulex) and dimethicone are defoamers that act locally in the intestine and are excreted unchanged in the stool. They are therefore considered well tolerated and are widely used. Some preparations can already be administered to children.

Herbal medicines:

  • Fennel tea
  • Tea blend with anise, fennel and caraway (eg Sidroga).
  • Activated carbon (eg Norit)
  • Healing clay (eg Luvos internal)
  • Flatulent tea PH (Species carminativae)
  • Peppermint oil in caspules (colpermine).
  • Peppermint oil with caraway oil (Gaspan)

Digestive agents:



Massage oils:

  • Four winds oil (external)