Wrinkle treatment with own blood | Treatment of wrinkles

Wrinkle treatment with own blood

The wrinkle treatment with autologous blood is also called vampire lifting and is popular with American celebrities. The therapy is designed to reduce wrinkles and fight them permanently by padding the skin. New blood vessels are to be formed which ensure a long-lasting effect.

For this purpose, blood is taken from the patient, which is then processed. Important is the blood plasma, which is injected into the patient’s skin using a special pen. Patients usually feel a burning sensation and no pain. The treatment is repeated every 6 to 12 months to maintain the effect.

Wrinkle treatment with Botox

A well-known and at times very controversial procedure is Botox therapy. Botox, botolulinum toxin, is a neurotoxin that is extracted from the bacterium Chlostridium botulinum. It has been used since the 1980s to smooth out facial wrinkles and is administered medically.

Botox blocks the transmission of stimuli between nerve cells and muscle cells. This leads to the muscle into which Botox is injected being relaxed or paralyzed. Wrinkles caused by increased muscle pull (expression lines) can therefore be reduced by paralyzing the pulling muscle areas with Botox injections.

Depending on the location and depth of the wrinkles, the small wrinkles disappear accordingly. The first effect starts 48 to 72 hours after the treatment and reaches its peak after one to two weeks. Depending on the patient, the Botox effect lasts for four to six months.

If the effect decreases, the treatment is usually repeated. However, the intervals are longer compared to the other procedures and last from about 3 months to a year. Side effects rarely occur when used correctly and usually disappear again after a few months.

Before the treatment you should discuss with your doctor what kind of medication you are taking, as antibiotics and sedatives can influence the effect. Botox treatment should be avoided during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

  • Anger and worry lines on the forehead
  • Crow’s Feet
  • Longitudinal folds on the neck
  • Dropped corners of the mouth
  • Dimples on the chin