When should I go to the doctor with fever during pregnancy? | When should I go to the doctor with fever?

When should I go to the doctor with fever during pregnancy?

A slight fever during pregnancy with a temperature below 38 degrees Celsius is usually unproblematic. Even a slight infection (e.g. respiratory tract infection) with fever during pregnancy is usually unproblematic. However, if the temperature rises to values above 38 degrees Celsius, an acute danger for the child can arise.

For this reason, a clinical examination by a doctor with subsequent drug therapy should be carried out. When using medication during pregnancy, certain contraindications and the specific dose for pregnant women must be considered. Paracetamol, for example, can be taken during pregnancy, but should not be taken carelessly for several days or weeks. Certain household remedies such as calf compresses etc. can additionally prevent the fever from rising even further.

At what fever should I take my baby to the doctor?

The immune system of adolescent children must first develop over time by coming into contact with pathogens entering the body. Therefore, febrile infections are significantly more common in children than in adults. The normal temperature in children is between 36.5 and 37.5 degrees Celsius.

From 38.5 degrees Celcius on, the child has a fever. Temperatures above 40 degrees Celsius can damage the organ systems of the child, which is why a doctor must be consulted urgently and the child must be treated. Symptoms that indicate fever in the child are, for example, a warmed, reddened face.

The skin of the body, however, is usually cool and pale. In addition, a loss of appetite and a weakness in drinking can be noticeable. The eyes usually look tired.

Overall, a change in behavior can occur with lethargy and listlessness. Diarrhea, nausea and vomiting are also common symptoms of febrile infections in children. A doctor should be consulted if the fever lasts longer than one day or if it does not subside despite calf compresses and fever suppositories. The occurrence of febrile convulsions is also a reason to consult a doctor.