Alternative healing methods in the therapy of trigeminal neuralgia | Trigeminal Neuralgia

Alternative healing methods in the therapy of trigeminal neuralgia

There are a number of alternative healing methods that can be used for trigeminal neuralgia. The benefits of some of these procedures have not been scientifically proven, but are based on the experience reports of those affected. Among the alternative treatment methods are:

  • Acupuncture
  • Osteopathy
  • Homeopathy
  • Heat Treatment
  • Mesotherapy
  • Vitamin B12

Especially in Chinese medicine, acupuncture is used as a very effective remedy for trigeminal neuralgia.

The cause is a blockage of the life energy, the so-called Qi. The healthy side of the face is often acupunctured first in up to six sessions. One session lasts about 60 minutes.

Afterwards, acupuncture is applied to the diseased side. There are numerous reports from patients who have experienced freedom from pain through acupuncture and have thus regained a better quality of life. Many people affected by trigeminal neuralgia have experienced a significant improvement through osteopathy.

Osteopathy is a manual procedure that uses targeted movements to promote relaxation of the muscles and fascia in the affected area. It also promotes the mobility of the corresponding bones, i.e. the skull and jaw, and improves the flow of lymph and blood. The application of heat in the case of trigeminal neuralgia is controversial.

The purpose of a heat treatment is to stimulate the blood circulation, which usually becomes relaxing during muscle cramps.In the case of suddenly occurring nerve irritations with pain attacks, cold is often more helpful, since it reduces the nerve conduction speed and thus the signals of pain perception can only be passed on in a reduced form. Furthermore, it should be noted that heat or cold can lead to swelling, which is why the application should always be temporary. In some cases in trigeminal neuralgia, homeopathic remedies can also lead to an improvement of the pain.

However, since the pain often occurs in acute attacks and is described by the character as very strong, stabbing and drilling, homeopathic remedies often do not play such an important role in the treatment. Recommended for acute attacks are Arsenicum album (D6, D12, D30), Aconitum (C3, D4, D6) and Spigelia (D6, D12). In addition, Cedron, Iris versicolor and Plantago major can be helpful.

Vitamin B12 can also play a role in trigeminal neuralgia in some cases. The vitamin is a crucial substance in many inflammatory diseases, as it plays an important role in the body’s anti-inflammatory activity. If, for example, there is a deficiency of vitamin B12 (which can be detected by a simple blood test), there may be a connection between this and inflammatory changes in nerves and the associated pain. Regular intake of vitamin B12 is very effective as a treatment.