Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia: Tips for Prevention

As little as it is possible to predict the individual course of the disease, it is not known to what extent the individual risk of developing the disease can be reduced. However, many scientists believe that there are certain behaviors that can delay the onset of Alzheimer’s dementia.

Preventing Alzheimer’s dementia

These four factors may be able to help prevent Alzheimer’s disease:

  • Physical activity: Regular physical activity is arguably the most important – its positive impact on brain performance appears to be even stronger than that of mental exercise.
  • Mental activity: not only the muscles want to be trained, but also the brain tissue. The best thing is variety! So not only solve Sudokus, but also play rummy and chess, learn a language or instrument, vary familiar ways.
  • Social contacts: Good relationships keep the mind active, are good for self-esteem and against depression and increase life expectancy.
  • Healthy diet with many vitamins and few animal fats: Vitamins C, D, B and folic acid as well as provitamin A are said to have a particularly preventive effect, and omega-3 fatty acids are also said to have a protective effect. However, the study results are contradictory.