Appendicitis: Causes

Pathogenesis (development of disease)

Appendicitis is caused in about half of cases by obstruction (Latin obstructio, closure) of the lumen diameter or the interior of a cavity of the appendiceal process. In other cases, the cause is ulceration (ulceration) of the mucosa of the appendix. Both lead to an increase in pressure inside the intestinal segment, which in turn leads to progressive inflammation of the mucosa with transition to the intestinal wall.

Etiology (causes)

Disease-related causes

  • Infection with Yersinia (bacterial species).
  • Lymph node enlargement due to viral or bacterial inflammation such as measles.
  • Worm diseases
  • Tumors of the appendix

Environmental pollution – intoxications

  • Barium – contrast agent used for X-rays of the gastrointestinal tract.


  • Colonoscopy (colonoscopy): appendicitis incidence (incidence of new disease) was 4.5 times higher at week 1 than at the following 51 weeks, and the risk was no higher at weeks 2-4 than at weeks 5-52