Application for bruising | PECH Rule

Application for bruising

Bruises can therefore be effectively reduced during their development, especially by cooling and compression. If the PECH rule is applied immediately after the injury, bruising can sometimes be prevented completely. Unfortunately, this principle does not work quite as well for existing bruises; nevertheless, cooling, sparing, compression and elevation help to reduce the pain that can be caused by a bruise and accelerate the natural healing process.

By compressing the injured area, the swelling cannot spread throughout the entire tissue, and by efficiently elevating the body, blood, lymph and tissue fluid can flow out more quickly. The body is effectively supported in its self-healing process. However, a doctor should be consulted if the bruise becomes excessively large, the tissue is clearly tense or a tingling sensation occurs.

Under certain circumstances the bruise is too large and presses on important vessels or nerves. This complication justifies a medical intervention.