Arnica: Dosage

The drug can be used whole or cut, as a powder for infusions or in the form of liquid or semisolid means for external (!) Application. The tincture prepared from one part arnica flowers and ten parts 70 percent ethanol is best for this purpose, with about 92 percent of the sesquiterpene lactones passing into the tincture. If an aqueous extract is prepared according to standard approval specifications, the proportion of extracted sesquiterpene lactones is about 75 percent.

Processing in tea is no longer very common, and arnica flowers as an ingredient in tea blends have been withdrawn from the market as part of the post-approval process.

Mean daily dose for arnica infusions and tinctures

The average daily dose in each case is: for infusions, about two grams of the drug to 100 milliliters of water; for tinctures for poultices, three to ten times dilution with water; and for tinctures for mouthwashes, ten times dilution.

Preparation of arnica poultices

Two grams of the flowers (one teaspoon is equal to about 0.5 grams) are poured over scalding water and after about five to ten minutes passed through a sieve. The tea should not be drunk, but is only suitable for making poultices.

When and how not to use arnica?

Arnica should not be used in case of existing allergy to arnica.

Due to the toxic effect of sesquiterpene lactones, which are the main active ingredients in arnica, arnica should not be taken orally in any form. The tea preparation is not intended for permanent use, nor for internal use.

Despite the name “tea”, the application is limited to the preparation of envelopes! The internal use of arnica can cause miscarriages. Contact with open wounds and eyes should be avoided.

Storage of arnica

The drug should be kept dry and protected from light.