Associated symptoms | Acorn burns

Associated symptoms

The symptoms that occur in urethritis or balanitis can be very variable. It is also possible to have a completely asymptomatic course in which the disease remains undetected due to the absence of symptoms. One of the more common symptoms is a burning sensation when urinating (alguria).

It is also possible, however, that the burning or “foreign body” feeling is permanent, i.e. independent of urination or sexual intercourse. The so-called “Bonjour drop” (purulent discharge in the morning when urinating) gives the first indications of a mostly bacterial infection and is frequent, but need not be the consequence of unprotected sexual intercourse during which the transmission occurs. Balanitis (inflammation of the glans) often also affects the foreskin or surrounding tissue.

The symptoms are more likely to affect the superficial skin and manifest themselves with redness, swelling and overheating. However, pain is not uncommon here either and is also of a burning character. If other symptoms are accompanied by itching, this can confirm the suspicion of Candida balanitis, also known as genitaloor.

Caused by this, there are different options that favour the growth of the yeast fungus. This can range from poor or even excessive hygiene, drugs such as antibiotics to systemic diseases such as diabetes mellitus. The final diagnosis is made by a specialist and usually treated locally with antimycotics.

A burning pain in the glans, which occurs more frequently when urinating, can have various reasons. In medicine this symptom is called “alguria”. The causes can be the glans itself, but pain from the penis or bladder can also be mistakenly perceived as pain of the glans.A typical burning sensation when urinating while the color of the urine is normal may indicate an inflammation of the lower urinary tract.

A urinary tract or bladder infection is caused by a colonization of bacteria in the normally mostly sterile environment of the urinary tract. Different bacteria cause different diseases. Various pathogens can cause urinary tract infections, whereby viruses, fungi or parasites are possible in addition to bacteria.

A man’s urethra is much longer than a woman’s, which is why this type of infection is much less common in men. An infection does not necessarily have to be attributed to a lack of hygiene. A typical reason for infection is the presence of a bladder catheter during hospital treatment.

The inflammation can occur in the bladder or penis, but also on the glans itself. In the latter case one speaks of a “balanitis”. The painful inflammation causes a piercing burning sensation with every touch from the inside, especially from liquids.

Injuries to the urethra are also conceivable in the case of a burning sensation of the glans. These can occur without a recognizable cause or through mechanical stress from outside. Small injuries of the urethra can occur due to mechanical stress, especially during sexual intercourse.

At the site of the wound, pain occurs and especially a burning sensation when urinating. In many cases, a slight red coloration of the urine is visible. If the pain does not subside of its own accord after a few days, it is advisable to consult a urologist.

The urologist can diagnose and treat an inflammation or injury. A reddening of the glans is a typical sign of inflammation. Typical signs of inflammation are overheating, redness, swelling and pain in the inflamed area.

If the glans is swollen and red from the outside, this indicates balanitis or balanoposthitis. Balanoposthitis is the inflammation of the glans and foreskin. Bacteria and other pathogens can accumulate under the foreskin.

This area must be deliberately cleaned, otherwise these pathogens can cause inflammation there. Balanitis rarely occurs without involvement of the foreskin. Balanitis rarely affects only the glans, but often spreads to parts of the penis and foreskin.

The reddening of the glans is usually the first sign of an incipient inflammation, but it can also merely indicate an irritation. This can be caused by too tight underwear, during or after sexual intercourse (also with other mechanical irritations), but also by allergies. Many men have contact allergies to latex products (latex allergy), intimate jewelry, perfumes or creams, which go unnoticed for a long time, as the allergy only manifests itself through redness.

Even in the case of redness, a urologist should already be consulted, since in rare cases it may be a disease that does not heal on its own and requires urgent treatment. The outer skin of the glans is quite sensitive on the one hand, but regenerative on the other. Because the skin is constantly being renewed, it sometimes happens that the glans peels and the skin peels off.

Various factors can promote irritation and also the peeling of the glans. Mechanical stress in particular can irritate the glans. During sexual intercourse, several factors can irritate the glans due to fluid contact and friction.

The problem can often be remedied by light care lotions or creams based on oil. However, creams and lotions can also irritate the skin, sometimes even in the form of allergic reactions. A peeling glans is also observed in the treatment of fungal diseases of the male genitals (genital fungus).

If such a disease is suspected, a urologist should be consulted to initiate causal therapy. For this purpose, anti-fungal ointments are used over long periods of time. Even after some time the symptoms may still occur.

A weeping glans can be due to various causes. In many cases it is inflammatory secretion in the context of balanitis or foreskin inflammation. It almost always occurs together with redness, itching, a burning sensation when urinating and a slight swelling.

In addition, the glans is constantly wetting. A weeping glans also occurs with the common venereal diseases. These include not only bacterial infections, but also fungi and, more rarely, parasites.

The typical fungal disease, which is mostly found in the female genitals, can also affect men. Most affected are men with a narrowing of the foreskin or lack of hygiene.Circumcised men are almost never affected. For a fungal disease to spread, it must be warm and humid, which is why the glans is rarely affected in this case.

If the glans is wet, it is important to provide a dry environment. Then the acorn should not be treated with moisturizers. Too tight underpants can also promote heat and moisture.

Towels and underpants should also be cleaned as often and thoroughly as possible. This can significantly accelerate the healing process. Some men are affected by burning pain in the area of the glans during or after ejaculation.

The pain can be burning during ejaculation. In this case the discharge is sometimes slightly bloody. The reason for this pain is mainly found in the prostate.

If the prostate is inflamed, this mainly affects the ejaculation. This is called prostatitis. The male ejaculate is composed of very small amounts of sperm.

About 30% of the fluid is produced in the prostate. If ejaculation occurs during an inflammation of the prostate gland, prostate function is restricted and pain occurs. Some men are plagued by pain after ejaculation, which does not appear until about ten minutes later.

The pain manifests itself as a constant, uncomfortable sensation in the penis and glans area, accompanied by the feeling of an urge to urinate. This pain is also often described in connection with alcohol consumption. The cause of this is not known, but the pain subsides of its own accord after some time.

Red dots on the glans are not a clinical picture in itself, but merely an appearance on the skin, which is also called “exanthema” or rash. Red spots can also appear without any apparent cause. They are often a side effect of minor irritations of the glans.

Irritation can occur due to too much friction, for example on the trousers or underpants, but also through sexual intercourse. In rare cases, red spots are a first sign of a potential sexual disease. Especially if there is also a burning sensation or itching.

If there is little suspicion of a sexually transmitted disease, a doctor should be consulted so that the cause can be determined as quickly as possible, treatment can begin and the sex partner can be treated as well. In particular, if fever, chills and tiredness are added to the local symptoms on the genitals, there is an urgent need for treatment. A persistent stink of the glans can indicate various diseases.

Often the glans smells unpleasantly due to deposits of sweat and dirt. If this is the case, the stench can be explained by lack of hygiene and can be quickly eliminated. However, a persistent stench often indicates inflammation.

If the stench is only stronger when urinating, an infection of the urinary tract could be present. The bladder and urethra are also frequently affected. If the smell is permanent, the inflammation is more likely to be external to the genitals.

Many bacterial and viral pathogens can cause venereal diseases. Especially fungi can also attack the glans of a man and cause a stench. In contrast to women, men do not always show further symptoms, which is why the infection often remains undetected or can be ignored.

In any case, a urologist should be consulted if there is an unpleasant odor that cannot be eliminated by washing, since a possible infection should be treated early on. Medically, the fungus on the glans is also called “Candida balantis”. The fungus is often transmitted during unprotected sexual intercourse.

Rarer causes are a narrowing of the foreskin, lack of hygiene, a weak immune system, but also medication, for example antibiotics. Typical symptoms of a fungal disease can vary. The infection may remain completely asymptomatic or cause itching, redness, swelling, unpleasant odor or weeping.