Helium | MRI of the lung


The helium used is polarized before application, which means that when the magnetic field is applied during the MRI examination, it also aligns itself to this field. This is the prerequisite for measuring the helium distribution afterwards. MRI images of the lungs with helium provide very precise information about how the air is distributed in the lungs. For example, in the case of a lung damaged by smoking or emphysema, the damaged lung can be separated from the intact areas. When taking several images in a short time, the temporal component of the distribution can also be recorded.


Magnetic resonance imaging is particularly suitable for imaging tumors and their metastases. The venous administration of contrast medium makes it easier to detect tumors, since the contrast medium accumulates here. It is now possible to detect lung tumors in the range of 4 to 5 mm, i.e. in their early stages.

However, MRI of the lung is not the standard method for detecting tumors in the lung (lung cancer). First an X-ray is performed and if this is inconclusive or if it suggests a tumor (lung cancer), a computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging is performed. These methods are more suitable for metastases in the brain (MRI head) and spinal cord (MRI spine).

Duration of an MRI examination of the lungs

Magnetic resonance imaging of the lungs takes about 15 to 20 minutes. Depending on whether a contrast medium is injected or not, the examination may take a little longer. On the day of the examination, there is also the waiting time and the preparation time, during which all metal-containing objects are placed down and the patient is prepared on the couch. The subsequent discussion of the images with a radiologist may also take some time.

Costs of an MRI of the lung

Since magnetic resonance imaging is often used for the diagnosis of serious diseases, the costs are covered by statutory and private health insurance companies if the physician sees the need for this examination.The cost of an MRI of the lungs varies between public and private health insurance. While in the statutory sector the costs are settled directly between the radiologist and the statutory health insurance (GKV), the privately insured person receives an invoice from the radiologist, which he passes on to his insurance company. The costs vary in the private insurance (PKV) depending on the extent of the examination. The costs are usually between 400 and 800 €.