Associated symptoms | Bad breath in children

Associated symptoms

Bad breath can be accompanied by many other symptoms even in the youngest children. With poor dental care the bacterial film spreads and leads to caries. Premature tooth loss with irregular breakthrough of the permanent teeth are the result.

Inflamed whiter teeth also cause bad breath, as bacteria settle in the oral cavity. Accompanying symptoms here are a reduced mouth opening, as well as pain when chewing in the jaw angle. Since bad breath itself is often the symptom of various underlying diseases, it can be accompanied by many other symptoms.

If it occurs together with sore throat, it is often caused by an inflammation of the throat or tonsils. If it is accompanied by earache, an inflammation of the middle ear should be considered. If there is a disease of the entire body, such as diabetes or inflammation of the liver, it can continue to cause severe abdominal pain or major weight loss within a short period of time. As with adults, the rule is: if the symptoms cannot be effectively combated within a few days or a week at the most, the specialist should be consulted and the disease traced professionally.


Since bad breath is particularly often associated with the presence of carious defects, especially in children, caries therapy and the subsequent prevention of new tooth defects can help to combat the bad odors. In the course of this, special attention should be paid to regular and thorough oral hygiene. The teeth must be cleaned properly with a toothbrush at least three times a day.

In addition, the weekly application of special toothpastes that harden the tooth substance (e.g. Elmex-Gelee®) can help to make the teeth more resistant. Mouth rinsing solutions are a good supplement to tooth brushing. They are available especially for children with a pleasant and not so sharp taste.

Careful oral hygiene can also be enhanced by household remedies. Food that causes bad breath should be avoided. These are onions, garlic and strongly spiced foods.

Lemon juice, which is drunk diluted with water, can help neutralize the odors. It stimulates the flow of saliva and thus quickly rinses away odour-forming residues. The juice should be drunk regularly after meals in order to achieve long-term results.

Furthermore, the slow chewing of various herbs, such as peppermint or cloves, helps with bad breath. The released essential oils provide a fresh breath, similar to a mouthwash. If an acidic smell emanates from the stomach, chewing a coffee bean helps to reduce it.

Ginger, for example, which is cut into thin slices and placed on the back of the tongue, provides fresh breath after a few minutes. However, since many children do not like the taste of ginger, this method is not suitable for everyone. Chewing a few leaves of parsley also helps against bad breath in children.

You can find more information on this topic at: Home remedies against bad breathThere are different homeopathic globules that are used depending on the cause of the bad breath. Potassium phosphoricum D12 can be helpful in cases of yellowish-white coating on the tongue with an accompanying dry mouth. Creosotum D12 can be helpful against bad breath associated with inflamed gums.

If there is also inflammation of the tonsils and sore throat, the agent guaiacum D12 is used. However, these homeopathic remedies are no substitute for going to the doctor. You can try them for a few days, but in any case you must consult a doctor if the symptoms persist.