Associated symptoms | Stork bite on eye

Associated symptoms

A stork bite occurs in most cases without further accompanying symptoms. However, if the stork bite is conspicuous and present on the face and persists for more than one year, it is possible that a clinical picture correlating with the stork bite is present. These so-called neurocutaneous syndromes can cause different symptoms. In particular, neuronal symptoms such as seizures and the development of tumors are typical symptoms.


The skin symptoms occurring in the context of a stork bite usually do not show any itching. However, if there is a clear itching from the affected areas, it is necessary to check whether it is actually a stork bite or not. It is particularly likely that it is another disease if, in addition to the itching, skin changes such as desquamation or pustules occur. If itching persists, a doctor should be consulted to exclude other diseases.


After the diagnosis of a stork bite has been made, no therapy is necessary at first. However, it may be necessary to check whether the occurrence of a stork bite on the eye is related to existing neurocutaneous syndromes. If this is the case, the treatment of these syndromes is particularly important.

If it is only the harmless skin appearance, it is advisable to wait, since the stork bite usually disappears by itself. Thus, most stork bites completely disappear within one year. In some cases there are still traces of the skin appearance after one year and sometimes the stork bite persists for years.

Especially in these cases the cosmetic therapy of the stork bite is the main focus of the treatment. The stork bite on the eye in particular is usually very disturbing, which can be very painful for those affected. Both cosmetic and interventional therapy can help. The stork bite can be removed optically well with certain laser beams as well as with cold therapy (cryotherapy). It should be noted that in order to achieve good results, a long therapy period must often be expected.