Is mouthwash useful? | Mouthwash

Is mouthwash useful?

Therefore the terms mouthwash and mouth rinse must be clearly distinguished. A cosmetic mouthwash consists only of essential oils and cannot alleviate bacterial infestation in the oral cavity. It covers unpleasant smells with scents and provides a fresh breath for a short time. Mouth rinsing solutions, on the other hand, are medical products that fight bacteria in the oral cavity and heal diseases. These are prescribed by a dentist and can be considered useful, while mouthwashes play a rather superfluous role.

Who needs antibacterial mouthwash?

Antibacterial mouthwash solutions belong to the group of medical mouthwashes, which differ from purely cosmetic mouthwashes. Medical rinsing solutions are used specifically for bacterial complaints in the oral cavity, such as inflammation and halitosis (bad breath), while cosmetic products only provide fresh breath and usually only cover up unpleasant odors. High-dose antibacterial products are usually prescribed by the dentist, are only available in pharmacies and should only be used for a certain period of time. This period is usually two weeks and should not be exceeded. Since most manufacturers of mouthwashes advertise with an antibacterial effect and this term is not protected, the content of the solutions should be paid close attention to and the dentist should be consulted about this, so that not only a mouthwash solution is used that merely covers up odours but also fights bacteria.

Mouthwash against gum inflammation

Mouthwashes are generally allowed during pregnancy, but care should be taken to ensure that they do not contain alcohol, as traces of alcohol could reach the unborn child in the abdomen.

Can mouthwash be used against nail fungus?

The nail fungus is an annoying appendage that requires a long healing time. Not seldomly affected persons become experiment gladly by this long time and use household remedies, in order to fight the nail fungus. Mouthwashes cannot heal nail fungus, since they consist only of ethereal oils and have no bacteria-killing effect.

Mouthwash solutions containing alcohol, however, such as Listerine® can be used against nail fungus and can have a positive effect. The alcohol disinfects and kills the fungus. Users say that the feet feel cleaner and itching has completely disappeared.

The healing process is also accelerated and unpleasant odors are prevented. For the application, a daily foot bath with a duration of about 15-20 minutes should be taken. After the application the feet are rinsed with water. Although there are no scientific studies about the effectiveness against nail fungus, the mouth rinse cannot harm the feet, so the application can be done without hesitation.