Bags under the Eyes and Dark Circles: What the Eye Area Reveals

The eyes are the first place you see it: all-nighters, too much alcohol, getting older. For some it is the bags under the eyes that make the face look puffy, especially in the morning, for others it is dark circles under the eyes that give a not exactly healthy impression. The cosmetics industry offers an unmanageable number of ointments and lotions, sometimes at horrendous prices. In many cases, however, simple home remedies already provide a kind of immediate help for the most annoying phenomena. But what is the cause of bags under the eyes and dark circles? And what really helps against it?

The eye area is particularly sensitive

The area around the eyes is very sensitive. Here, bad and too little sleep or a humid and cheerful celebration leave visible traces. Because the skin around the eyes is three times thinner than in other parts of the face; compared to the skin of the body, it is even up to six times thinner.

What is missing in the eye area is the subcutaneous tissue and firm connective tissue. An unhealthy lifestyle, smoking and aging with the completely normal sagging of the skin can be seen here first.

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Shadows and rims

Fluid often accumulates in the rather delicate vascular walls on the lower eyelid, which spreads around the capillaries – finest ramifications of the veins. Bluish circles then shimmer on the surface of the skin. This is partly predisposition, but sometimes also a symptom of a serious disease. There is not much you can do about it, except to cover the shadows with a concealer one or two shades lighter.

The general rule for firm facial skin is: Drink enough fluids – and not in alcoholic but unsweetened form as water, tea or juice.

Bags under the eyes have nothing to do with tears

Too little exercise, too little sleep and stress as well as smoking are certainly the main culprits also for “bags under the eyes”, as this sign of aging is colloquially called. But instead of fluid, these are fat deposits under the eye. They always develop when the lymph flow gets out of its normal rhythm and the eye areas swell as a result.

The older you get, the more clearly you can see the puffiness directly under your eyes. This is because it is precisely in these areas that muscles and connective tissue wear out with age. The removal of bags under the eyes is high on the hit list of cosmetic operations. The doctor makes a small incision on the lower eyelid, the fat is removed, and the skin and muscles are tightened. A scar is hardly visible later.

In the case of mild bags under the eyes, the doctor uses the laser, removes the fat and tightens the skin of the eyelid. Unfortunately, with the often offered connective tissue massages and special creams, you can not really stop the development.

Home remedies for the eye area

If dark circles and puffy eyelids appear only for a short time and disappear again with a healthy lifestyle and sufficient sleep, you do not need to worry. However, if the symptoms persist, you should consult a doctor: Eye puffiness can indicate disease. Swelling of the eyelids, especially the lower eyelids, sometimes indicates heart failure, kidney disease or an allergy.

What actually helps are cooling agents: the cucumber slices that appear in some sketches work just as well as tea bags with black or green tea from the refrigerator or a quark mask – let this work on the whole face or only under the eyes for about 20 minutes and gently rub it off with a lukewarm damp washcloth.

Some doctors recommend trying a weakly concentrated ointment containing urea from the pharmacy: Urea is a natural substance produced by the body that increases the amount of water in the top layer of skin, normalizing skin flexibility. The skin retains moisture better and becomes more supple.

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