Belching: Prevention

To prevent belching, attention must be paid to reducing individual risk factors.

Behavioral risk factors

  • Diet
    • Wrong eating habits like.
      • Hasty eating, not chewing enough and talking a lot during meals (= swallowing a lot of air)
      • Distract at the table with television, reading or smartphone
    • Eating fewer large, high-fat and/or sweet meals.
    • Foods that can release gases already in the stomach: Yeast products, legumes, peppers, whole grains, coffee.
    • Drinking carbonated drinks (eg carbonated mineral water, sodas).
    • Last food intake late in the evening before bed rest
  • Pleasure food
    • Alcohol consumption (this makes the muscle between the esophagus and stomach slacken, which is like a valve to prevent stomach acid from rising)
    • Tobacco (smoking)
  • Physical activity
    • Lack of physical activity (lack of exercise).
  • Psycho-social situation
    • Stress

More tips for the prevention of bumping

  • Talk or eat – but not both at the same time.
  • Eat slowly and chew deliberately.
  • Reduce food that is difficult to digest.
  • Avoid voluminous meals, better to eat 4-6 small meals throughout the day.
  • If you have heartburn: Chew gum without peppermint and without sugar 30 minutes after a meal – this can reduce the risk of heartburn. The reason is that chewing gum seems to wash stomach acid out of the esophagus by swallowing down the saliva that forms. For more advice on heartburn, see the topic of the same name.
  • A digestive walk is often better than a nap.
  • Avoid late meals. Between the last meal in the evening and going to bed should be at least 3 hours.
  • Generally 2-3 hours after any meal do not lie down.