Brow Lift

Eyebrow lift (synonyms: eyebrow lift; brow lift; brow lift) is a cosmetic surgical procedure in the field of aesthetic dermatology and is used to optimize the eyebrows in symmetry, shape and position.As a rule, mimic wrinkles in the forehead region are not affected. However, due to their close proximity, eyebrow ptosis (sagging of the eyebrows) and forehead wrinkles are directly related. The decreased elastic skin tension, the constant movement of the mimic muscles and gravity cause the horizontal forehead wrinkles, sagging of the eyebrows and a significant excess of skin in the area of the upper eyelids. These blemishes can be effectively corrected. Different procedures are used depending on the severity of the cosmetic indication. These include Botox injections, physical procedures, and surgical techniques up to and including brow lift.

Indications (areas of application)

  • Asymmetry of the eyebrows
  • Tired look due to excess skin in the upper eyelid area
  • Ptosis of the eyebrows

Eyebrow lift should not be used in lagopthalmos (widening of the palpebral fissure due to paralysis of the sphincter muscle).

Before surgery

Before surgery, an intensive medical history discussion should be performed that includes the patient’s medical history and motivation for the procedure. The procedure, any side effects, and the consequences of the surgery should be discussed in detail. Note: The requirements of the explanation are stricter than usual, since courts in the field of aesthetic surgery demand a “relentless” explanation. Furthermore, you should not take acetylsalicylic acid (ASA), sleeping pills or alcohol for a period of seven to ten days before the operation. Both acetylsalicylic acid and other painkillers delay blood clotting and can lead to unwanted bleeding.Smokers should severely limit their nicotine consumption as early as four weeks before the procedure so as not to jeopardize wound healing.

The surgical procedure

For eyebrow lifting, the so-called direct eyebrow lift is usually performed. First, the eyebrow is measured and the degree of ptosis or the desired correction height is measured and the resection lines (incision lines) are marked. The tissue is numbed by a local anesthetic (agent for local anesthesia). The excess skin is now removed by a spindle-shaped excision above the brow. The surgeon starts at the upper incision line and continues at the lower line parallel to the eyebrow. The scalpel is guided at an angle to minimize hair loss and optimize adaptation of the wound edges. Small bleedings are obliterated by electrocoagulation. After removal of excess skin and subcutaneous fatty tissue (subcutaneous fat tissue), the wound edges are closed by a subcutaneous and an intracutaneous suture (a suture is placed both in the subcutaneous fat tissue and inside the skin, which is invisible from the outside). Eyebrow lift, as mentioned above, is mainly used for drooping of the eyebrow. The different procedures that are available are adapted to the severity of the ptosis. Other procedures to correct sagging eyebrows:

  • Lateral eyebrow lift by Botox injections – The eyebrow is lifted laterally by injecting Botox subcutaneously (under the skin) at up to three points, five millimeters apart, into the upper lateral (side) orbicularis occuli pars orbitalis muscle in the lateral portion of the brow. The nerve toxin paralyzes the muscles, resulting in a more open, friendly look.
  • Suture lift – The brow area is sutured by an elastic thread to coarse tissues such as the periosteum (tissue surrounding bones). Thus, the skin can be tightened and the eyebrow lifted or fixed in the desired position.
  • Physical eyebrow lift – This method uses laser procedures, light procedures and radiofrequency current.
  • Temporallifting (temple lift).
  • Forehead lift

After the operation

Your skin may feel very tight at first, and bruising and swelling will occur. To relieve swelling, cold compresses and cooling ice packs may provide relief for the first few days. Stitches are removed about two weeks after the procedure. The scars will fade over time.Only after a few months can the final result be assessed.


Eyebrow lift is a cosmetic procedure that achieves effective results and can give you back an alert, open look.