Can coxitis fugax also occur in adults? | Fugax coxitis

Can coxitis fugax also occur in adults?

Mostly children aged 3-8 years are affected, but adults can also be affected by Coxitis fugax. However, this is very rare and, like for children, not dangerous. In adults, however, due to the rarity of its occurrence, great importance should be attached to the clarification of other causes.

Here too, physical protection is the basis of the therapy. Relief when walking can be achieved by using crutches. Why children suffer much more frequently from Coxitis fugax than adults is not yet clear.

It usually occurs after an infection, such as a cold or a stomach flu. And children between the ages of 3-8 years become ill significantly more often due to the higher incidence of germs in kindergarten and at school. In adults, bacterial coxitis, i.e. an inflammation of the hips caused by bacteria, should be ruled out above all, as this requires immediate therapy.


The “hip cold” is an inflammation of the hip joint in children under 10 years of age. It is usually preceded by a common infection. Exact causes are unknown.

The affected children are conspicuous above all for their limping. Coxitis fugax is the most common cause of hip pain in children between 3 – 8 years of age. In rare cases both hip joints are affected.

There is, however, no tendency for a particular side of the body. With the help of ultrasound the formed joint effusion can be detected. X-rays, on the other hand, have proven to be less conclusive.

The therapy consists of waiting, since the “hip cold” recovers by itself and usually leaves an unimpaired hip joint behind. Painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs can be prescribed additionally. In any case, the affected hip joint must be relieved.