Chills: Symptoms, Causes, Treatment

Shivering (ICD-10 R50.88-: Fever with chills) is a muscle tremor all over the body with a simultaneous feeling of cold (freezing at normal room temperature). The muscles of the thigh and back are especially affected, as well as the muscles of the masticatory system. Muscle shivering rapidly raises the body temperature.

Shivering typically occurs as an accompanying symptom of a wide variety of diseases, often in conjunction with fever.

The shivering cannot be influenced voluntarily.

Shivering can be a symptom of many diseases (see under “Differential diagnoses”).

Course and prognosis: Usually an episode lasts a few minutes and often passes directly into sleep. If the chills are very severe and last for a long time, a doctor should be consulted.
Course and prognosis depend on the cause.