Cimicifuga (black cohosh)

What effect does Cimicifuga have?

Black cohosh (Cimicifuga racemosa) is a recognized medicinal plant for menopausal symptoms. The underground parts of the plant, i.e. the rhizome and the roots, are used medicinally. They are collected and processed from wild Cimicifuga plants in certain areas of the USA and Canada.

They contain active ingredients. These include, among others:

  • Triterpene glycosides such as actein and cimicifugoside
  • phenolcarboxylic acids
  • isoflavones
  • Cimicifugic acid F

Overall, the ingredients have a similar effect to the female sex hormone oestrogen and therefore help with an oestrogen deficiency.

Cimicifuga has been traditionally used as a remedy by the North American natives for centuries.

What is black cohosh used for?

Cimicifuga is used medicinally for

  • physical and psychological complaints during the menopause such as hot flushes, sweating, vaginal dryness, sleep disorders, mood swings, weight gain or depressive moods
  • premenstrual symptoms such as breast tenderness and depressive moods
  • Cramp-like menstrual pain

The Native Americans also use Cimicifuga for joint pain. However, there is no scientific proof of its effectiveness.

Home remedies based on medicinal plants have their limits. If your symptoms persist over a longer period of time and do not improve or even get worse despite treatment, you should always consult a doctor.

What side effects can Cimicifuga cause?

In some people, preparations containing black cohosh cause side effects in the gastrointestinal tract, for example stomach pain, nausea and diarrhea. Skin reactions such as itching, rashes and redness as well as water retention (edema) on the face and other parts of the body are also possible.

As there are currently too few studies on the long-term use of Cimicifuga, limit use to a maximum of six months.

Pay attention to possible signs of liver damage during use. These include tiredness, loss of appetite, severe upper abdominal pain, yellowing of the skin and dark-colored urine. If you experience such symptoms, you should definitely stop taking the preparation and see a doctor!

You should also seek medical advice immediately if you experience bleeding from the vagina.

How is Cimicifuga used?

You can find out how to use and dose Cimicifuga preparations correctly from the package leaflet and from your doctor or pharmacist.

Please note: The effect of black cohosh products usually only sets in after a few weeks.

What you should bear in mind when using Cimicifuga

Due to the lack of studies on long-term effects, you should take Cimicifuga for a maximum of six months.

Some women have developed severe liver damage while taking Cimicifuga. It is not yet certain whether black cohosh is actually responsible for this. If you have liver problems, you should still ask your doctor for advice before using the medicinal plant, just to be on the safe side.

In addition, all women should watch out for signs of liver dysfunction while taking it.

Caution is advised for women who have or have had an estrogen-dependent tumor such as breast cancer. They should only take Cimicifuga after consulting their doctor.

Cimicifuga should not be used together with oestrogen preparations, such as the contraceptive pill.

As no studies are available on its safety during pregnancy and breastfeeding, affected women should refrain from taking it during this time.

How to obtain Cimicifuga and its products

What is Cimicifuga?

Cimicifuga, also known as Cimicifuga racemosa or Actaea racemosa in addition to black cohosh, belongs to the buttercup family (Ranunculaceae) and is native to the forests of North America and Canada. However, it is now also found in the wild in Europe – for example as an ornamental plant in gardens and parks.

The perennial plant, which can grow up to two meters tall, has double to triple pinnate leaves that are distributed on upright stems. The plant’s German name, Traubensilberkerze, is derived from the shape and color of the inflorescences: Numerous small, white, almost silvery flowers stand in large clusters at the ends of the stems.

Shortly after blossoming, the petals fall off and only the numerous stamens and filaments remain. In the fall, after seed-bearing capsules have developed from the flowers, all above-ground parts of the plant die and Cimicifuga ensures its survival via the rhizome and attached roots.