When should you see a doctor? | Back pain during pregnancy

When should you see a doctor?

During pregnancy, back pain often occurs, which is usually harmless. Only very rarely is it a warning sign of an imminent miscarriage or other threat to mother or child. If the symptoms are very severe, the doctor should be consulted if they are sudden or different from the sensation of previously experienced back pain.

Also a circulatory weakness, fever or an indisposition that manifests itself in any other way should be clarified by a doctor. If the expectant mother is disturbed by the pain, this alone justifies a consultation with the doctor during pregnancy. In most cases, the doctor can rule out that there is a threat, reassure the pregnant woman and, if necessary, give advice on how to alleviate the back pain.


Classic are upward or downward pulling pains along the spine.Sometimes this pain extends to the buttock. In the case of myogeloses, small, rough nodules along the spine are palpable and sensitive to pressure. Neurological deficits do not usually occur.

Lying patients can usually achieve a reduction in pain. If degenerative changes or even herniated disks are involved, neurological failures can certainly occur. These can manifest themselves in numbness in the arms or legs and tingling in the skin area. In this case, a doctor should be consulted immediately, as immediate treatment may be required.

Can back pain be a sign of pregnancy?

There are many possible signs of pregnancy, some more common than others. Back pain is generally a very common symptom with many different causes. Pregnancy is also a common cause of back pain, although this typically does not occur at the beginning but only after a few weeks or months, when the growing uterus presses on the coccyx.

The first and most obvious sign of a pregnancy is the absence of periods with an otherwise regular cycle. Other common signs can be nausea, breast tenderness and craving for food. However, women of childbearing age may be the first to notice conscious signs of pregnancy, such as back pain.