Classification by degree of disability (GdB) | Spinal canal stenosis in the lumbar spine

Classification by degree of disability (GdB)

The GdB is the “degree of disability”. This term is part of the law on severely disabled persons and represents a unit of measurement for the extent of the disability. In the case of spinal column damage, which also includes spinal canal stenosis of the lumbar spine, the degree of disability is determined on the basis of the restriction of movement, the extent of spinal instability and the extent of the affected area of the spinal column.

This means that different values are obtained for the same clinical picture. For example, values ranging from 0 to 100 may be obtained for spinal canal stenosis of the lumbar spine. The most important values are listed briefly:

  • GdB 0: There is no functional limitation, movement restriction or instability.
  • GdB 20: There are moderately severe functional limitations in a spinal segment.

    These are, for example, restricted mobility, persistent pain or moderate instability.

  • GdB 40: There are moderate to severe functional limitations in two spinal column sections.
  • GdB 50-70: There are very severe functional limitations. These may include stiffening of long spinal column sections (e.g. after surgery).
  • GdB 80-100: There is a severe limitation of the spine, so that hardly any load is possible. This can even result in inability to walk or stand, for example, due to loss of movement or paralysis.


The prognosis of spinal canal stenosis varies from patient to patient, depending on the extent of the symptoms and the changes in the spinal column. For mild symptoms, a satisfactory result can usually be achieved with conservative therapy. Surgical procedures are preferable in cases of long-standing pain and paralysis.

However, these cannot guarantee absolute freedom from pain. Therefore it is important to treat early and consistently to avoid long-term damage and irreversible consequences.