Climbing stairs | Patellar tip syndrome symptoms

Climbing stairs

If the tendon is already severely degenerated, pain in the knee also occurs during everyday stress, even if this is only of short duration. When climbing stairs, pain usually only occurs at an advanced stage. Here the affected person feels the pain at the lower end of the kneecap when climbing or descending stairs.

As soon as the strain ends, the pain subsides again. When walking up and down stairs, the pull on the patella tendon is particularly strong and thus causes pain. In advanced and chronic conditions, pain can be constant, i.e. the pain often persists even after climbing stairs.


Patellar tip syndrome does not actually cause any pain when bending the knee, as other muscle groups are used. However, there are exceptions and pain can be felt when bending the knee. However, pain is mainly felt during the counter-movement, i.e. when straightening up from a squatting position. This involves a stretching of the knee, which is performed by the thigh muscle and the patellar tendon.

What can I do in case of patellar tip syndrome?

If patellar tip syndrome is suspected, an orthopedist should be consulted. In addition, a training break should be taken to avoid serious damage. During sports, care should generally be taken to stretch the thigh muscle sufficiently.

The pain can also be alleviated with painkillers such as ibuprofen or diclofenac. Cooling also helps against swelling. The affected knee can also be taped to stabilize the patella and relieve the pain. If the symptoms of patellar tip syndrome are more advanced, physiotherapy (ultrasound and electrical stimulation) should be performed.