Co-payment | Chronically ill


The statutory health insurance funds bear the costs of medical measures and certain medicines for the treatment of chronically ill persons. The co-payment, which is always required of the insured person, must also be paid by the chronically ill. However, the maximum amount of these co-payments is reduced in the case of a chronic illness.

The presence of a chronic illness has consequences for the health insurance funds and the billing of medical measures. The consequences apply to the entire family, even if only one family member is chronically ill. The so-called stress limit, which is normally 2%, is reduced to one percent of the family gross income. This means that the maximum amount of individual co-payments resulting from medical measures and medication and demanded by the health insurance companies decreases for chronically ill persons.

Claims of the chronically ill

The presence of a mental illness naturally has mainly unpleasant sides. In addition to many visits to the doctor and the symptoms associated with the individual illness, side effects of medical therapy and the illness itself can also cause discomfort. Nevertheless, chronically ill patients can claim some special services.

In the presence of a chronic illness, the maximum amount of co-payments for medical measures and medication is reduced. Instead of 2% of the gross family income, the burden limit for the chronically ill is reduced to 1% of the gross family income. Chronically ill persons are also included in so-called disease management programs of the health insurance companies and should thus be subject to closer and more precise control by the treating physicians.

Chronically ill and Hartz 4

Hartz 4 is unemployment benefit II, which is a basic security benefit. Every employable beneficiary is entitled to this benefit from the German state. The treatment of chronically ill persons receiving Hartz 4 is no different from that of other persons.

Persons who receive Hartz 4 are obliged to take out health insurance. A subsidy for the insurance contributions can be granted on application. If a chronic illness is present, the maximum amount of co-payments for medical measures and medication is also reduced for persons receiving Hartz 4. This is reduced to 1% of the benefits received.